This is my very first blog. Let's start with taking stock to briefly introduce me to all of you😍

Name: Uniter Faith

Starting: My Outreachy Internship (This week I began my Outreachy internship working on the All Clients deserve a chance project with Ceph)

Making:  A lot of life changing decisions

Feeling: Blessed and anxious ( this journey is a gateway to more opportunities wondering if I am truly ready)

Core values: Perseverance, Boldness and self- respect. I love to think of my core values as the PB Sandwich of my life. 

Perseverance : No matter how difficult a situation feels and looks there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Learning to do it differently; dance in the rain,and working through it makes me much stronger. 

Don't measure your progress using someone else's ruler. mybreakthrough.com  #breakthroughcoaching | Positive vibes quotes, Positive quotes,  Insperational quotes 

To always know that I am bold. Every task I want to achieve is on the other side fear and the only limit to achieving anything is the lack of belief in myself. To trust my own instincts. We are all different and my progress is different from another person's.

Self-respect is at the core of everything I do because it is how I push myself to do what is best for me. This means taking care of my health, mental and all other aspects of life. 

Why Outreachy:

Outreachy is a platform for all and that it gives opportunity to everyone to work in the software development field and open source.

It offers remote working and I am able to interact with a global village as I learn and grow in the tech world.



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